Textify is new, it's new styled GUI ( Graphical User Interface). It's basic function is to "ravel" a phrase in the text of your word. Each dot has a totally different function, so you have to be sure the red dot means close over that green one, or else close to that blue one too! I think that this is a nice new application that makes life a lot easier for those who use MS Word. In fact if you use this application you can type your whole document with nothing but a pen and a mouse click!
The program itself will not do much unless you load it with the Word document you wish to texturise and then save it as a.txt document. To do that just download the latest release of the Textify+ application and run it. Then choose the Import option, pick out a.txt file and let the program do all the work. Now that you have your document ready just save it as a Word document.
So what I have shown you is that a simple application to let you draw any text in any colour as well as allow you to save your document in Word format. If you have any problems you can call up the support desk and they will be happy to help you out. And also if you want to learn how to use textify by downloading my free pdf, click on the link below.